Positive Signs

Positive Signs

Amid the signs about parking, danger of death at electrical sub-stations, ball games near houses, fly-tipping and dog fouling etc there are also signs of a positive nature. This set was taken over the course of a few days around Monday 21st January 2019, which the media now refers to as "Blue Monday" due to the apparent general poor mood of people after the euphoria of the festive season. The location chosen was Oldbury, a small town in the West Midlands, mainly because this is where I work so it was easy enough to find the pictures on lunchtime walks. Limiting myself to a fairly small area hopefully shows that there is more positivity around us than we probably realise. The use of black and white helps to retain the clarity of the positive messages rather than being lost in a range of colours. Another reason for using black and white was that, being originated on film, I could test out a newly acquired 35mm f2 lens with my old Pentax Super A. Using a film camera from time to time, rather than a digital camera, helps to slow things down...although these pictures are mostly snaps!

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