RPS Panel - Associate

RPS Panel - Associate

Successful Associateship panel of mounted prints for the Royal Photographic Society, Visual Arts Assessment, March 2007. Amongst other requirements, which are detailed on the RPS website, a Statement of Intent is required for ARPS submissions. The following was mine: Patterns and Shapes in the Built Environment Being mostly a city dweller I am surrounded by buildings much of the time and I believe that it is important to be able to enjoy such an environment. Of course this is not always possible due to the nature of some architectural styles and our personal preferences. Despite this however, potentially pleasing patterns and shapes can be found on the inside and outside of some buildings. I enjoy looking for patterns and shapes which have been created by the use of different building materials, construction methods and lighting. If the overall design of a building is widely considered as challenging, perhaps there are detailed aspects of it which are more pleasing. The intention of the panel is therefore to show how it is possible to isolate patterns and shapes. The black and white medium was chosen because I believe that it helps to emphasise the patterns and shapes. Also, many buildings tend to have monochrome exteriors and interiors, often in shades of grey.

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